Jesus, cast a look on me. Give me sweet simplicity. Make me poor and keep me low. Seeking only Thee to know.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


What will I teach my sweet baby girl, almost 2 years old now, about purity? What will I say to her about sex? What will my personal actions reveal to her about our beliefs on contraception? For my husband and myself, God has convicted us that using contraception is not trusting Him. It is a form of controlling our own lives, instead of giving Him complete control. But there's was created by God and given specific parameters(within marriage). Therefore, sex outside of marriage is an abomination to God. Hey, I call it like I see it! We can either listen and obey the Word of God OR listen to a fallen world that approves of things such as "casual sex", "no strings attached", "friends with benefits" (gross.), and "safe sex".
The following excerpt is from an article that first appeared in the January/February 2010 issue of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity ( I found it at a website of a godly woman named Kelly over at

"Christian parents are tempted to hope that if their kids mess up, they will at least be “safe” about it. The young have to be taught, with subtlety of course, that for everyone to remain happy, they must plan their sins and take measures to prevent these sins from coming to light. Veniality is far too risky.
The people we seek to keep safe are ourselves. There is nothing safe about “safe sex” besides an external reputation. As long as no one knows, we can still participate in society’s grotesque nuptial parodies. Our daughters flounce down the aisle in ironic white gowns, naked from the cleavage up; our sons save for honeymoons on which the couple, drained by months of preparing for the exhibition of extravagance, can finally get some sleep. We smile about how our darlings waited—or if they didn’t, about how they at least were smart enough not to let it become a problem."

Hebrews 13:4(NKJV)
Marriage [is] honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

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