Jesus, cast a look on me. Give me sweet simplicity. Make me poor and keep me low. Seeking only Thee to know.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

High Hopes...

I distinctly remember from my childhood, singing this song...

"[something, something, la-la-la]...move a rubber tree plant,
But he's got hIGH hopes, he's got hIGH hopes, he's got high-in-the-sky, apple pie hopes..."


Okay, I'm weird.
Anywho, This jingle came to mind as I read the following on a post of my sister's friend's( friend(
Follow me?
I do believe the following in its entirety, however, God is still working on shaping me into some of these. I have taken the liberty of highlighting the ones that I struggle with as a reminder to myself, a written proclamation to God, and so that all of you can encourage me in my daily life :)

A Biblical Womanhood Creed for Life

"I believe God created me, a woman, in His image.
I believe God has the authority, as my Creator to define my whole person; body, soul, mind, and emotions.
I believe God has chosen to reveal Himself through the world in which I live and through the incarnation of His Son, Jesus Christ.
I learn of both these revelations through His Word, the Bible, which becomes clear to me by the power of Jesus Christ, whose Spirit works in my heart and my understanding.
I believe that God exists as one God, in three equal persons and that these persons have Scripturally revealed relationships and functions within the trinity.
I believe that all human fellowship is a reflection of that perfect fellowship defined and experienced from all eternity by God Himself in the trinity.
I believe that God made both men and women in His image.
I believe that God gave the man a representative role in humanity in general (as seen in both Adam and Christ) and that He also gave each man a representative and authoritative role as head of his wife and of his family.
I believe that God appointed marriage and the family as the most fundamental human social building block.
I believe that God created marriage (as He created all human institutions) to reveal His character and the character of His relations with humans.
I believe that God created me to be a helper to my husband and that in serving and obeying him, I also serve and obey God.
I believe that my husband is created first to love God, but that in his human relationships he is to reflect God's nature by filling a role of protector, defender, guide, leader, teacher, provider, and father.
I believe that I am created first to love God, but (since God has not chosen singleness for me) I am also created to bear and nourish children, to help my husband and to serve God and His church principally, though not exclusively, in the exercise of these functions.
I believe that I should count my home as the primary focus of my ministry to God and that in so doing, I will bring no slander on the gospel.
I believe that I should develop sexual attractiveness, intellectual honesty, and spiritual fervor in my role as wife.
I believe that my husband will answer to God for his part in my spiritual development, but that when I stand before the throne of God's judgment, I will be covered not by my husband's righteousness, but by Christ's.
I believe that the Bible teaches me as a woman to uphold the authority of my husband in my marriage and in my home; to respect it, encourage it, desire it, appreciate it, work towards increasing it and encourage my children to do the same.
I believe that the Scriptures ask me to refrain from exercising final spiritual authority in the church.
I am to avoid usurping the authoritative roles of men in teaching and in church discipline. Specifically I am to avoid teaching men or judging male leadership.
I believe I am to express myself verbally within my church family to bring encouragement, praise, witness, wisdom, counsel, prayers, hymns, songs, and instruction within the authority structures mentioned above.
I am especially responsible for the training and mentoring of younger women, with a view to encouraging them to love their husbands and children, to be busy at home and to bring no slander on the gospel.
I believe that I am also to exercise my particular personal gifts in the church, without neglecting hospitality, humble service, availability in emergencies, and all sorts of good deeds.
I believe that sin affects every area of my life.
I am not, therefore, surprised that my sinful nature rebels against some of the very truths I confess.
May God mercifully soften my heart and conform me to His perfect will. "

Note: Rebecca Jones is a member of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and also serves on our Board of Directors. She is the author of Does Christianity Squash Women (B&H, 2005). She and her husband, Peter Jones, make their home in Escondido, California and can be contacted through their website

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